Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Hulk's underwear...

I went and saw "Hulk" today...I hate it when they make their own twists to the comic book characters...the original Hulk was a result of a scientist being exposed to gamma radiation during a nuclear explosion (or some explosion) as a result of which he (the scientist who was exposed to the gamma radiation) could transform into a huge "hulk"ing green skinned monster with amazing strength and regenerative capabilities...simple stuff which resulted in some pretty good comic books (when the scientist - Bruce Banner is his name - becomes the Hulk all he does is go around grunting "Hulk smash", "Hulk kill" etc and matching actions to his words)...
and for the movie we have some convoluted story line about a father conducting some genetic DNA experiments (on himself I think) and resulting in an offspring with mutated genes who becomes the Hulk when he gets angry and lots more similar nonsense...with long sequences of father-son confrontations etc etc...made me wish for the good old "Hulk angry Hulk smash" dialogues....

anyways - I always had one big question Hulk : What material is his underwear made of????????

this might seem like one of my normal dumb questions but it isn't (at least to me it isn't)...

see - in the comic book (and in the movie) whenever Banner becomes the Hulk all his clothes tear apart (because he goes from something like 5'10" 150 pounds to 10'5" 500 pounds...approximate numbers of course)...all his clothes tear except for -- his what material is this underwear made of???it never tears and it stretches as much as good ole Hulk it like Superman's cape (Superman's cape is indestructible didn't know that????!!!???)...and why doesn't he wear clothes made of the same material as the underwear...this way the clothes will also stretch and he'll be fully clothed as the fact this way people won't call him the green-skinned monster since they can't see that he is green all over...

such questions keep me awake at night (along with questions like "Why am I thinking about why Hulk's underwear does not tear??")


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